The railway set a record by operating 441 trains in one day, with 222 being special trains.
To manage the crowds during Mauni Amavasya, the railway created history by operating 441 trains within 24 hours, including 222 special trains, marking a new milestone in train operations. Millions of devotees arrived in Prayagraj to take part in the sacred bathing event. To facilitate their travel to and from the event, special trains were operated from eight railway stations, including 104 from Prayagraj Junction, 23 from Prayagraj Chhiwki, 17 from Naini, 13 from Subedar Ganj, 23 from Prayag, five from Fafamau, nine from Prayagraj Rambagh, and 28 from Jhunsi.
Special Train Operations from Prayagraj Stations on January 30
Prayagraj will witness the operation of special trains from eight railway stations on January 30. The Indian Railways has begun scheduling these trains, with over 60 special services planned. The operations will continue as long as passengers are present at the stations.
Demand-Based Train Services
Special trains will be operated on-demand, depending on passenger availability. A total of 125 rakes will arrive in Prayagraj on the same morning, equipped with double-headed engines. Apart from North Central Railway, the operations will also involve Northern Railway and Northeast Railway, serving stations including Prayagraj Junction, Subedar Ganj, Jhunsi, Naini, Rambagh, Prayag, and Fafamau.
Record Train Operations on Mauni Amavasya
In a historic event for crowd management on Mauni Amavasya, the railways operated a record 441 trains in just 24 hours, including 222 special trains. This unprecedented number was essential to accommodate millions of devotees arriving in Prayagraj for the sacred bathing ritual.
Special Train Details
To facilitate the transport of devotees, special trains were operated from eight stations in Prayagraj, with the following breakdown:
– Prayagraj Junction: 104 trains
– Prayagraj Chheewki: 23 trains
– Naini: 17 trains
– Subedar Ganj: 13 trains
– Prayag: 23 trains
– Fafamau: 5 trains
– Rambagh: 9 trains
– Jhunsi: 28 trains
Emergency Plans for Crowd Management
To manage the large crowds, emergency plans were implemented at every station, allowing passengers to reach their destinations smoothly without any disturbances. The arrival of devotees at the stations is expected to continue, with more than 50 special trains anticipated to operate on the following day.