The residents of Darbhanga are on the verge of an important development with the anticipated launch of the Vande Bharat train and Rajdhani Super Fast Express. The preparations for these state-of-the-art trains are nearing completion, and an official announcement from the Railway Board regarding their operational date is expected soon.
The Vande Bharat Express will connect Darbhanga to Anand Bihar, while the Rajdhani Express is slated to run from Darbhanga to Jalandhar City. If all goes according to plan, both trains may commence operations in the near future, possibly serving as a New Year gift to local passengers.
This development is particularly significant given the longstanding struggle for ticket availability on existing routes, where demand frequently outstrips supply.
Benefits of High-Speed Travel
Both the Vande Bharat and Rajdhani Express trains are recognized for their modern facilities and high-speed travel, albeit at higher fare rates compared to conventional trains. Passengers opting for these trains will enjoy faster journeys due to fewer stops and enhanced service quality.
The introduction of these two trains is expected to alleviate the chronic issue of overbooked trains on popular routes, offering an essential travel alternative for residents who have faced challenges in securing reservations for existing services.
Challenges in Train Operations
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the new train services, there are operational challenges that need to be addressed. A significant concern is the lack of adequate washing pits for the maintenance of these trains, which is essential for their cleanliness and internal checks.
Currently, Darbhanga has only two washing pits, which are insufficient given the increasing demand for long-distance train services. If the necessary infrastructure is not expanded, the introduction of the Vande Bharat and Rajdhani Express could be jeopardized, potentially leading to a net loss in service availability for passengers rather than the anticipated benefits.
Important Information Organised For You.
Train Name | Route | Facilities | Fares | Speed | Current Issues |
Vande Bharat Express | Darbhanga to Anand Bihar | State-of-the-art facilities | Higher than normal trains | Relatively less time | Lack of washing pit |
Rajdhani Express | Darbhanga to Jalandhar City | Modern facilities | Higher than normal trains | Relatively less time | Lack of washing pit |