Indian Railways is set to introduce Amrit Bharat Version-2, which will feature modern amenities aimed at enhancing passenger experience. The first rake of this upgraded train is expected to be ready within 15 days, with a goal of producing a total of four trains by March 2025. The manufacturing of the first rake is taking place at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, and a total of 25 trains are planned to be completed by March 31, 2026. Additionally, another 25 trains are being constructed at the Punjab Rail Coach Factory in Kapurthala, Punjab. These new trains will be equipped with sleeper and general coaches, ensuring a range of options for travelers.
Features and Safety Measures
The Amrit Bharat Version-2 is a modified version of its predecessor, incorporating several new features aimed at improving passenger comfort and safety. The trains will include modern toilets made from sheet molding compounds, with facilities designed for disabled passengers in sleeper coaches. An automated system has been installed in the toilets to manage odors effectively. Moreover, an onboard monitoring system will provide real-time data on rack wheels and bearings, and will also monitor the condition of water used on board. Safety enhancements include emergency lights outside the coach in case of derailment or accidents, mobile charging sockets, USB points, and a variety of other amenities such as fans with stainless steel grills, LED lighting, a public address system, and an aerosol-based fire-fighting system.
Investment in Amrit Bharat Stations
As part of the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme, 40 stations in Haryana are set to receive significant investments to improve their infrastructure. Notable allocations include Rs 262 crore for Faridabad and Rs 22 crore for Ambala City station. Other stations such as Rohtak, Sonipat, Narela, and Mahendragarh will also see investments ranging from Rs 25 to Rs 29 crore each. This initiative aims to enhance the overall travel experience for passengers by upgrading facilities at key railway stations across the region.
Important Information Organised For You.
Feature | Details |
Train Name | Amrit Bharat Version-2 |
First Rake Readiness | In 15 days |
Production Targets | 4 trains by March 2025, 25 trains by March 31, 2026 |
Manufacturing Locations | Integral Coach Factory (ICF) Chennai, Punjab Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala |
Coaches | Sleeper and general coaches |
Safety Features | Emergency lights, automated toilet systems, onboard monitoring system |
Modern Amenities | Mobile charging sockets, USB points, fans with SS grills, LED lights, public address system |
Technological Features | Automated coupler, electro-pneumatic brake system, vacuum evacuation system |
Stations in Haryana | 40 stations included in Amrit Bharat Station Scheme |
Investment in Stations | Ambala City: Rs 22 crore, Faridabad: Rs 262 crore, Rohtak: Rs 29 crore, others varying from Rs 25-32 crore |